Friday, May 30, 2008

The Merry Month of May 2008

I know, I know. It's been a month since I've added a new entry here. Our month has been busy, and while we're home I can find so many things to do that I can't do when we're on the road that I forget about writing on the blog. So, I have a month's worth of news to catch up on!

We arrived home on May 2nd, and we both immediately crashed for about a week. I started to do a little quilting, Frank caught up on email and other items, and we both just basically didn't think too much about mission business.
However, on May 15 we headed toward Bailey, Colorado, via Dalhart, Texas. We lived in Bailey for two furloughs in the 1980s, along with Frank's retired parents. The Platte Canyon Community Church in Bailey has been a faithful supporter of us for more than twenty years, and we wanted to visit old friends and report on how the Lord is doing new things in us and with us as we prepare to go to Ukraine. We had a lovely time with all of them, especially some of the older folks who remembered Frank's folks as well as our kids when they were growing up.

Another thing we did was to visit our old house which Frank's dad built in the late 1970s after he and Mom Dewey retired.

We enjoyed seeing Mt. Rosalie again. We used to see this mountain every day when we left our house and headed towards the main road. The deer have multiplied and are totally unafraid of humans. This picture is of deer grazing in the yard of our former home, paying absolutely no attention to us at all. All in all, visiting our old friends and home in Colorado was wonderful. The weather was perfect, the scenery was beautiful, and the fellowship with old friends was good.

One of the benefits of going to Bailey was that we could stop for three nights in Dalhart, Texas, with our son, Evan, and his family. We hadn't seen them since Christmas, so we were both eager to see our little granddaughters, Kirsten and Riley. Their mommy is going to have another little girl in early July and we needed to catch up with her and hear how she's doing too. We like to say that Kirsten is three going on thirty-three! She will actually be four in August and she has a great vocabulary and interest in everything. Riley is two and is really good at it! if you know what I mean. She's shy, very independent, and loves that word "no."

Kirsten "helped" Frank make up the bed, and Riley was really good on the sliding board in the park.

Evan continues to work for his father-in-law on the farm and take online classes to prepare for a degree in aviation safety. Lori stays at home and has a small business making cakes! She does about three a week and is really good at it. She's planning to slow down in a couple of weeks before the new baby arrives.

How can we close this without a recent picture of our little Lance, our daughter's ten month old baby? Here he is, just about as handsome as any little boy should be. We are crazy about all our grandkids----Laura's three and Evan's two and three-quarters!

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